The QuickSearch Results Report downloads a csv report of terms searched by users, the number of results returned, the Group and ACL that the user was searching in, and the date/time of the performed search.
The QuickSearch Frequency Report downloads a csv report of terms searched by users, the number of times the search was performed, the Group and ACL that the user was searching in, and the date/time of the performed search.
The Filter Report downloads a csv report of the filters and values selected by users to find assets, the frequency of the filter and value combinations, the Group and ACL that the user was searching in, and the date/time of the performed search.
The out of the box download report loads the download actions performed in the last 30 days into the Metrics view.
The out of the box upload report loads the upload actions performed in the last 30 days into the Metrics view.
Saved Selections have been updated to provide a simplified experience for users. The selection type labels have been condensed and updated to My Selections, and Shared with Me. The ability to search through existing Saved Selections has been added in through the filter bar. Saved Selections can now be favorited, and users can easily recall their favorites through filtering.